The Summer Solstice — June 21, 2020

The Year 2020 will go down in History as a one of transformative change across the World. The Covid-19 pandemic mounted on top of continued crises of income inequality, race prejudice, and environmental change is compressing evolutionary changes upon people, nations, Nature, and long-standing structures everywhere. Evolution is happening before our eyes. There are 2 major considerations that I will be writing about later this Summer: The Second Sun (Sirius), and The New Age Upon Us (Aquarius) which are major reasons for the current upheaval of life on Earth. Understanding these major influences to Earth life is of dire importance. Before we get there, however, please note the next Solstice coming quickly on June 21, for another event lines up with it.

If you follow Astrology, Astronomy, or even just the Seasons, you’ll perhaps know what Solstices and Equinoxes are; If not, here’s a primer: Solstices are the days when the Sun rises to it’s zenith and nadir points in the sky, respectively — for the Northern hemisphere, the former is during Summer and the latter occurs in Winter. Or the opposites for the Southern Hemisphere. These are the mid-Summer and mid-Winter dates that cause the longest and shortest ‘days’ of the year, when the sunlight is longest or shortest due to the amount of time the Sun moves across the sky during the day. (Thus June 21 and December 21, or thereabouts, respectively.)

The Equinoxes are times when the Sun splits its time equally above and below the horizon so the days and nights are equal in length. About March 21 and September 21/23. These periods have always reconciled with historical, religious markers for a reason. Think Christmas at mid-Winter (birth of Christ [Son of God] is a metaphor for the Sun beginning its Heliacal cycle. Easter in Spring (resurrection of Christ) was traditionally the rising of the Sun [Son] from the underworld a la it’s rise in the sky from the Spring Equinox. Passover in Autumn is the Sun passing back over the Equinox — as it ‘falls’ from its mid-Summer zenith — so ‘Fall’ for Autumn. We could go on and on, but let’s move on.

This year’s Summer Solstice happens to pair with a partial (annular) Solar Eclipse. Eclipses happen in series and this one is the first of a pair of Solar Eclipses in 2020. The Metonic Cycle shows that over a period of 82 years, or so, Solar Eclipses occur on Solstice and Equinox days about 5 times; Then there won’t be another for around 200 years. So between 1982 and 2058 there will be 5 (1980, 2001, 2020, 2039 are the others). Eclipses are fairly rare phenomena to witness with one’s own eyes due to their appearances only lasting a few minutes over small stretches of the Earth. The Eclipse cycles, Astrologically speaking, relate to periods of change in our lives. So where they occur—in which Constellations—gives us an idea of what to expect.

This year’s first Eclipse, on the Summer Solstice, signifies that a peak has been reached and drastic changes are coming. The Eclipse will occur in Gemini during a Mercury retrograde (which itself ends in Cancer a few weeks later). As Mercury retrogrades show us where we need to review our interrelated connections (communications, commerce, knowledge, etc.), we can understand that this one will relate to those exact matters along with nurturing, love, and even Mother Earth: Gemini & Cancer concerns (Air & Water signs). Distilling it further, people will be reviewing their understanding of their love relationships. Now this is mostly the Mercury retrograde effect. Add to it the Eclipse—which marks beginnings and endings—and many couples will be reviewing/communicating over their relationships and some will altogether break up or enter a new level of understanding/agreement in their partnerships. This won’t happen abruptly, but will begin in the coming weeks and months.

The final Eclipse of the series will be December 7th in Sagittarius, which is a Fire sign, and it will be a full Solar Eclipse that brings to a close the changes of this year. In between these Eclipse dates, the Fall will be a serious time for people and couples, related to their hearts and knowledge of goings-ons, but also on a global scale. Mother Earth and general communication worldwide is under massive transformation. We all see what is happening now, but understanding what is coming down the road is always helpful — as people say, ‘being ahead of the curve’ is an advantage. It’s not coincidental that revolutions in our Solar system are reflected on Earth. This is the gist of Astrology. Energy flows and Science is immature. There are further cycles that the year 2020 matches with, and subsequent posts will deal with these calendars, but for now simply be aware that this year will continue to be a rough road.

The Summer Solstice will be the beginning of a new understanding. It signifies a change to a peak era and the coming Fall. Tough times are here until the final year’s Eclipse in December. After that, when a new U.S. President is elected, things won’t be much different—except we’ll be wiser and possibly more ready for even bigger changes that lay ahead in the new Aeon.

Love is the Answer. Find it within yourself and share it with All the World.